Certified Hospitality Supervisor (CHS)

Certified Hospitality Supervisor (CHS)

You are an effective hospitality supervisor because you know how to lead, manage time and communicate well with everyone around you. You motivate your employees and make sure they meet property standards. Improve your supervisory abilities and earn recognition for your skills, knowledge, experience and commitment to professionalism by earning the Certified Hospitality Supervisor certification.

Duration : Self Study

Certificate Accreditation: INSPIRE

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Qualifying Position
• Qualifying supervisor—a person who supervises two or more individuals; has job duties that are at least 20 per cent supervisory in nature and which include such tasks as
scheduling, training, interviewing, discipline, inspecting and conducting performance reviews, make decisions and judgment calls while performing daily duties, and has input on hiring and firing decisions within a department.
• Time in Position
• 3 months:
• Supervisor, Manager, Department Head, or Executive Certification eliminates time requirement
• Degree from an accredited academic institution or Completion of SSB eliminates time requirement

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