Do you want to become an air cargo expert and understand the operational framework and processes to ship cargo by air? Air cargo transportation is all about ensuring critical supply chains are not disrupted, meanwhile guaranteeing the transportation is conducted in a safe and profitable way. At the same time the applicable laws and regulations need to be respected. Over five days you will greatly enhance your knowledge on the complex methods and procedures applied in the global air cargo industry. You will acquire solid cargo knowledge, helping you and your company to face the challenges of your highly competitive working environment.

Duration : 40 Hours

Certificate Accreditation: INSPIRE

Additional Info

Course format:

  • This classroom course provides 5 days (40 hours) of instruction delivered by an official IATA Instructor.
  •  Student performance will be based on an assessment



  • There are no prerequisites for this course
  •  Recommended level is Entry-level and Intermediate
  •  The recommended level of language proficiency is ICAO Operational Level 4 for courses in English or the equivalent level for other languages.


What you will learn?

Upon completion of this course, you will be able to:

  • Understand the specific air cargo ‘language’ and terms
  •  Outline the end-to-end process overview of air cargo transportation from booking up to delivery to the consignee
  • Use IATA’s The Air Cargo Tariff and Rules (TACT) manuals for specific country and carrier regulations
  •  Apply the correct cargo acceptance procedures
  •  Understand the conditions of carriage
  •  Complete an air waybill, the official contract of carriage
  •  Calculate air transportation charges
  •  Provide a basic customer service skill set to participants


Course content:

  • Overview of air cargo industry regulations
  •  World geography and calculation of transportation times
  •  Aircraft structure, layout, limitation, and Unit Load Device (ULD)
  •  Handling facilities
  •  Procedures
  •  Special cargo
  •  Cargo documentation
  •  Basic rating
  •  Carrier’s liability and valuation
  •  Customer service skills


  • Group exercise
  • Final examination


Who should attend?

This course is recommended for:

  • Air cargo professionals
  •  Air cargo handling agents
  •  Air cargo general sales agents
  •  Air cargo forwarders

Certificate awarded:

An INSPIRE Certificate of Completion is awarded to participants obtaining a grade of 70% or higher on all exercises and exams. A special distinction is awarded to participants obtaining a grade of 90% or higher.


Additional Info