Professional Certificate For Food Safety Hygiene

Professional Certificate For Food Safety Hygiene

Course-description: The purpose of this condensed training course is give staff a knowledge, skills and competence in Food Safety and good hygiene practice and incorporates Food Information

Duration : 8 Hours

Certificate Accreditation: INSPIRE

Additional Info

Food Hygiene
Understand the importance of Food Hygiene and recognize the food hazards Microbiological, Physical Chemical and Food Allergens
Unit 2
Personal Hygiene
Demonstrate and maintain high standards of personal hygiene and hand hygiene
Unit 3
Pest & Waste Control
Maintain work areas and follow good hygiene procedures
Unit 4
Use of cleaning chemicals and equipment
Unit 5
Introduction to the Food Safety Management System
Unit 6
Food Delivery
Delivery Hazard Analysis and Control
Unit 7
Food Storage
Storage Hazard Analysis and Controls
Unit 8
Food Processing
Preparation, Cooking, Cooling, Reheating, Holding and Service Controls

Course Duration

    •  1 Day

Course Certification

    • This course is certified by Inspire.
Additional Info